Since 1993, the IEEE Virtual Reality conference has been the premier international venue for the presentation of research results in the broad area of virtual reality (VR). Similarly, the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), which started as a workshop at IEEE VR in 2004, has become the premier venue for 3D user interfaces and 3D interaction in VR environments. As of 2018, VR and 3DUI have been merged into a single IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, with the short name IEEE VR.
Jian Chen
Ohio State University, USA
Sabine Coquillart
Inria Rhone-Alpes, France
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Frank Steinicke
University of Hamburg, Germany
Rob Lindeman
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Anatole Lécuyer
Inria Rennes, France
Betty Mohler
Amela Sadagic
Naval Postgraduate School, USA
J. Edward Swan II
Mississippi State University, USA
Mary Whitton
University of North Carolina, USA
Mark Billinghurst
Gudrun Klinker
Benjamin Lok
Anthony Steed
Victoria Interrante
Aditi Majumder
Bernd Froehlich
Doug Bowman
Mark Livingston
Susumu Tachi
Ming Lin
Larry Hodges
Bowen Loftin
Robert Moorhead
William Ribarsky
Lawrence Rosenblum
Benjamin Watson
Hanspeter Pfister