Call for Posters
IEEE VR 2022: the 29th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
12-16 March, 2022, Virtual
Important Dates
- January 10, 2022: Two-page abstract and optional material submission due
- January 31, 2022: Notification of results
- February 10, 2022: Camera-ready material and copyright submission via IEEE CPS (to be published in the conference’s abstract and workshop proceedings) and PCS (poster, video, and other additional materials)
Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) == GMT/UTC-12:00 on the stated day, no matter where the submitter is located.
The 29th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2022 seeks poster submissions, which describe recently completed work, highly relevant results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications, in all areas related to virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and 3D user interfaces.
Presenting a poster is a great way to get feedback on work that has not yet been published. As the conference will take place virtually a remote poster presentation will be part of the conference, with sessions for interactive discussion between presenters and attendees for at least two days where authors can orally present a brief summary of their work to all conference attendees. Note that, in order to maintain interactive and exciting poster presentations, we require at least one presenter per accepted poster to attend the virtual conference.
It is currently not decided which online platform will be used for the online conference. We are aware of the fact that this is of essential interest especially for poster presenters and will inform all authors as soon as we have more information.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions to the poster track must be written in English. The submission must be in the form of a two-page summary paper (references included) with a maximum 100-word abstract. The submitted paper must be in PDF format with embedded fonts. Two-page papers will be included in the proceedings and will be archived in the IEEE Digital Library, and therefore must be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society format described at http://junctionpublishing.org/vgtc/Tasks/camera.html. Poster papers must be submitted through a special poster track available at the online submission site - https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions. Supplemental materials, such as a video or image, can be uploaded to the submission site as well, but not mandatory. Every submission will get one (single-blind) review by a poster chair and will be discussed among all poster chairs for the final decision.
For every accepted paper there is the requirement to additionally submit a 30-second teaser video, a teaser image (landscape, 1920 x 1080, jpg or png) and prepare a google slide poster presentation for the virtual conference (either consisting of multiple slides or just one slide designed like a landscape poster). A video does not require sound but would have captions. Detailed instructions about the format of the final posters will be provided to the authors later.
For more information, please contact the Posters Chairs:
- Isaac Cho, Utah State University, USA
- Marina Cidota, University of Bucharest, Romania
- Simon Hoermann, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Katharina Krösl, VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung, Austria
- Daniel Zielasko, University of Trier, Germany