Call for Satellite Events
IEEE VR 2023: the 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces March 25th-March 29th, 2023
We invite proposals for satellite events since the potential travel restrictions could make it inconvenient for some registered members to travel to Shanghai. Members are encouraged to organize satellite events to provide more networking opportunities for our community. Accepted Satellite Events will be advertised on the IEEE VR 2023 website by their location, contact information, and link to the organizers’ website.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals for satellite events should be submitted electronically to general2023 [at] ieeevr.org and should include:
- A brief description (500 words or less) of the satellite event (location, time, the maximum number of attendances, etc.)
- The names, contact information, and short (100 words or less) biographies for the organizers.
For more information, please contact general2023 [at] ieeevr.org