Call for Posters
IEEE VR 2024: The 31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 16-21, 2024 | Orlando, Florida USA
The 31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2024 seeks poster submissions that describe recently completed work, highly relevant results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications, in all areas related to virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and 3D user interfaces.
Presenting a poster is a great way to get feedback on work that has not yet been published. Summaries should include a concise description of the idea, the results of findings, supporting imagery and figures, and a discussion of the implementations of the work in the selected area of work. Full literature searches are not expected, although relevant citations should be included.
The poster design itself does not need to be submitted with the extended abstract on the initial submission deadline. Instead, authors whose posters are accepted will be asked to submit their poster as a PDF at the camera-ready deadline with the goal that it will appear together with the extended abstract on the IEEE eXplore. Authors of accepted posters will also need to bring a physical printed copy of their poster to display at the poster session at the conference (instruction will be provided at a later date).
The 2024 conference will be an in-person event only, and poster presentations will be at the physical conference venue. Web-based presentations will only be permitted under extreme circumstances. At least one author per accepted poster will be required to register for the conference and attend the poster session in person.
Important Dates
- December 19, 2023 December 17, 2023: Two-page abstract and optional material submission due
- January 26, 2024: Notification of results
- February 2, 2024: Camera-ready material and copyright submission via IEEE CPS (to be published in the conference’s abstract and workshop proceedings) and PCS (poster, video, and other additional materials)
Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) == GMT/UTC-12:00 on the stated day, irrespective of the submitter’s location.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions to the poster track must be written in English. The submission must be in the form of a two-page extended abstract (references included) with a maximum of 100-word abstract. The submitted extended abstract must be in PDF format with embedded fonts. Accepted two-page extended abstracts will be included in the Abstracts and Workshop Proceedings and will be archived in the IEEE Digital Library, and therefore must be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society format described at https://tc.computer.org/vgtc/publications/conference/ http://junctionpublishing.org/vgtc/Tasks/camera.html. Poster extended abstracts must be submitted through a particular poster track available at the online submission site - https://new.precisionconference.com/vr. Supplemental materials, such as a video or image, can be uploaded to the submission site as well, but are not mandatory. For supplemental materials, please use this format: https://www.ieee.org/publications/services/services-resources.html#Multimedia-and-supplemental-material-documentation-and-tools.
After logging into PCS, start your submission by selecting VR > IEEE VR 2024 > IEEE VR Posters 2024.
Poster Review Process
Poster submissions are single-blind and do not need to be anonymized. Submissions will be reviewed using a juried process, during which each poster will be read and evaluated by one to two reviewers with final decisions made collectively by the Posters Chairs. Authors will receive reviews of their submissions explaining the decision and providing feedback. Authors of accepted posters are expected to address any recommendations and conditions of acceptance prior to the final submission of camera-ready materials.
Poster Session
There will be one or more dedicated poster presentation sessions throughout the week in which the posters will be presented. The number of sessions is contingent on the total accepted posters and space. During the poster session, one or more authors need to be physically present at their poster to discuss their work with other attendees. We will share more details with the authors of accepted posters shortly after the notification of the results.
Best Poster Awards
The best poster award(s) will recognize the most outstanding poster contributions. It will be based on (1) the significance of the research contributions described in the submitted two-page poster summaries, as well as (2) the clarity, creativity, and design of the poster. These awards will be noted in the program and presented with a signed certificate.
The Large Language Model Policy
Text produced entirely by a large language model (LLM) must not be included in the poster extended abstract. This does not prohibit authors (especially whose native language is not English) from using LLMs for editing or polishing author-written texts – however, the final written texts must be those of the authors. We anticipate that this policy may change in the future while we continue to understand the impact of LLMs on IEEE VR and other scientific publishing communities better.
All submissions must be original work that has not been presented previously at any workshop, symposium, or conference and not published previously in any archived conference proceeding, magazine, or journal.
At the time of submission, it is required by the authors to state explicitly in the submission form that the submitted work is the work by the authors themselves or is a summary of the authors’ previously presented/published work with clear attribution. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will lead to the removal of the submission from the review process. For more information, please see the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ and the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual.
For more information, please contact the Posters Chairs:
- Jian Chen, The Ohio State University, USA
- Wole Oyekoya, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
- Jerald Thomas, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA
- Ramiro Serrano Vergel, University of Michigan, USA

Conference Sponsors

Doctoral Consortium Sponsors
