The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.


A quality accommodation

The city of Saint-Malo offers nearly 3,000 rooms, 900 of which are within walking distance.

You will be able to stay in charming hotels or hotels belonging to large hotel groups, according to your tastes and desires. Most of the hotels are located in the heart of the Intra-Muros or on the seafront overlooking the great beach of Le Sillon, less than 10 minutes walk from the Grand Large.

- 5-star hotels: 264 rooms
- 4-star hotels: 515 rooms
- 3-star hotels: 959 rooms
- 2-star hotels: 363 rooms

Rooms are not reserved by the conference, so we recommend booking as early as possible to secure your accommodation.

Find below on the map the hotels that have committed to the Grand Large Quality Charter

IEEE  IEEE Computer Society IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

Inria logo.


InterDigital logo.

Google logo.

MiddleVR logo.
HITLab NZ logo.

Immersion logo.
Qualcomm logo.
Huawei logo.
Meta logo. AFXR logo.
LabSTICC logo.
GuestXR logo.
ENSAM logo. Haption logo.

EuroXR logo.

INSA logo.

Institut de Neurociencies, Universitat de Barcelona logo.


RegionBretagne logo.

UnivRennes logo.

Orange logo.

CLARTE logo.

Inami Monnai Lab logo.

VRSJ logo.

CESI logo.

Agglomeration Saint-Malo logo.

©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee