The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.

Getting Lunch

IEEE VR 2025: The 32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 8-12, 2025 | Saint-Malo, France

On this page, we offer some advice on finding a place to eat near the conference venue. As there is limited time for a break between the morning and afternoon sessions, we are trying to give you some advice to help you find something suitable. However, please note that if you get too caught up in the conference programme and miss your lunch break, you will at least be able to have a coffee and a sweet treat before the afternoon sessions resume. First of all, you need to know what type of food you're looking for. On this page, we explain the different types of establishments that offer food: restaurants & brasseries, crêperies and takeaways.


In restaurants, you'll find all kinds of different menus, at prices that also vary widely. Restaurants often also offer a lunchtime menu, which includes a starter, main course and dessert for a competitive price. Restaurant search tools will certainly help you to make a choice, but don't hesitate to ask the restaurant owner about service times when you arrive, and let them know straight away what time you want to leave the restaurant. They will be able to tell you whether they can accommodate you within these time limits, and they will be able to tell you which dishes to choose to speed up service (taking the "plat du jour", when it is offered à la carte, is often a good solution for fast service).


Where to find restaurants? You will find a selection of restaurants in the vicinity of the Palais du Grand Large (conference venue). The nearest restaurants are located in the Intra-Muros district (5-10 minutes walking distance), in the west of the city. This area is the primary tourist district and boasts a high concentration of restaurants. For example, closest to the Palais du Grand Large (some provide ways for online reservation):

  • La Licorne (€€ 4.3 Google maps rating)
  • Café de L’Ouest (€€ 4.3)
  • Le Chateaubriand (€€ 3.7)
  • Café Simon (€€ 4.5)
  • Millesim (€-€€ 4.8)
  • Le Lion d’Or (€€€ 4.3)
  • … and many more!
There are also a few options on the opposite side of Intra-muros, towards Le Sillon or Quai Duguay-Trouin (5-10 mins walking distance):
  • Le 1934 (€-€€ 4.4)
  • Le Sillon (€€ 4.1)
  • Cosa Nostra (€ 4.0)
  • … and a few more!
In extreme cases, there are also few options around the train station (20 mins walk).


Creperies are generally a good way to have a quick lunch, and what's more in the local Breton tradition. The "complete galette" (egg, ham, cheese) is a temple of popular Breton cuisine. But crêperies offer a whole range of different recipes, savoury, sweet, vegetarian, etc… Here are few options for creperies (Saint Malo has one of the highest densities of crêperies, 1 per 700 inhabitants):

  • La Duchesse Anne (€€ 4.2)
  • Le petit Crepier (€ 4.6)
  • Atelier de la Crêpe (€ 4.5, in the direction of the Quai Duguay-Trouin)
  • Le Biniou (€ 4.2)
  • Crêperie des Lutins (€€4.6)
  • La Touline (€-€€ 4.8)
  • ... and many more!


If you only have a little time and the weather allows you to enjoy a meal, perhaps on the beach, don't forget that France is the country of the ‘jambon-beurre’ sandwich (and ‘beurre’ is sacred here in Brittany)! You will also be able to find many other options... A good approach is to target the large bakeries, most of which offer savoury snacks: sandwiches, quiches, tarts, pastries, etc. Here are few options:

  • Madlenn Intra (€ 4.3)
  • Boulangerie Pâtisserie de la Cathédrale (€ 4.5, they also have the best kouign amann of the city !)
  • Au Pain d’Autrefois (€ 4.1), Rocabey district (15 mins walk)
  • … and a few more!

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©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee