The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.

Mentorship Program

IEEE VR 2024: The 32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 8-12, 2025 | Saint-Malo, France


The goal of the IEEE VR 2025 Mentorship Program is to connect newcomers to the conference (mentees) and experienced attendees (mentors) via shared interests. This program is a great networking opportunity for both mentees and mentors to learn about each other and the VR field in general!

How do I participate?

Interested individuals can apply to the Mentorship Program after registering for the 2025 IEEE VR conference. Mentors and mentees will be matched by the program organizers based on different levels of IEEE VR experience and research interests and will be put in contact before the conference begins.

Interested participants should complete this form by February 21, 2025. This deadline is to give time for the committee to match mentors and mentees before the conference begins. First-time attendees will receive priority consideration for a mentor, and the mentorship program will be open to the most compelling 40 applicants, based on need and order of application.

What is involved in this program?

Mentors and mentees are expected to participate in several activities together throughout the conference. Some suggested activities include:

  • Attending a paper session together and discussing afterwards
  • Meeting during coffee breaks/meals to discuss research and/or general career guidance

We ask that the mentors also introduce their mentee(s) to at least one (1) colleague who is attending the conference. Preferably, this colleague will be someone at an institution that is different from the mentee’s to encourage further networking.

Participants will also be asked to complete a closing survey providing feedback on the program after the conference.


This program is an initiative of the 2025 IEEE VR Inclusion, Diversity, and Accessibility Committee. The committee can be reached via email at

Data Privacy Information

The information provided by the participants will be accessible only to the members of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility committee. The participants can request for their information to be corrected or deleted at any time until 31st of May 2025. After this date, their data will be anonymized and provided to the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility committee of future iterations of IEEE VR for statistical purposes.

IEEE  IEEE Computer Society IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

Inria logo.


InterDigital logo.

Google logo.

MiddleVR logo.
HITLab NZ logo.

Immersion logo.
Qualcomm logo.
Huawei logo.
Meta logo. AFXR logo.
LabSTICC logo.
GuestXR logo.
ENSAM logo. Haption logo.

EuroXR logo.

INSA logo.

Institut de Neurociencies, Universitat de Barcelona logo.


RegionBretagne logo.

UnivRennes logo.

Orange logo.

CLARTE logo.

Inami Monnai Lab logo.

VRSJ logo.

CESI logo.

Agglomeration Saint-Malo logo.

©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee