The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.
IEEE VR Past Conferences

Steering Committee

  • Jian Chen Ohio State University, USA
  • Sabine Coquillart Inria Rhone-Alps, France
  • Kiyoshi Kiyokawa Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
  • Franck Steinicke University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Rob Lindeman University of Canterbury, New Zealand
  • Anatole Lécuyer Inria Rennes, France
  • Betty Mohler Amazon
  • Amela Sadagic Naval Postgraduate School, USA
  • J. Edward Swan II Mississippi State University, USA
  • Mary Whitton University of North Carolina, USA
IEEE  IEEE Computer Society IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee