The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.

Call for Student Volunteers

IEEE VR 2025: The 32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 8-12, 2025 | Saint-Malo, France

Apply to be a Student Volunteer

Important Dates

  • December 10th, 2024: Open student volunteer applications
  • January 13th, 2025: Close student volunteer applications
  • January 23th, 2025: Student volunteer notification of acceptance

Dedicated and enthusiastic student volunteers (SVs) are crucial for the organization of a successful conference. Serving as a student volunteer is also a great chance to meet and interact with scientists from the field of Virtual Reality.

Volunteering for VR 2025 is also an opportunity to gain academic service experience—an often-critical component of post graduate work—and valuable experience for future scientific event organization.

We look forward to receiving your application for IEEE VR 2025!


Besides the stimulating experience, SVs will receive an excellent package of benefits that includes:

  • free registration*
  • hotel accommodation for non-local volunteers when possible (shared with one or two other SVs)
  • complimentary lunch for the five days of the conference

* If you are an author, make sure to have one of your co-authors register and pay a full fee according to your publication.


This year, IEEE VR will take place in Saint-Malo, France. You must be willing to work about 25 to 30 hours during the conference. Furthermore, you must be available for SV orientation on Friday, March 7th, before the conference begins. Your SV duties will include: working the registration desk on-site, helping with the setup of the conference environment, providing assistance to speakers and attendees, and more. If you cannot commit yourself to this time frame and this amount of work, then please do not take away a slot from another willing student.


All full-time undergraduate and graduate students interested in Virtual Reality or related disciplines are eligible. We will consider geographic distance from the conference as well as diversity in the area of research.

The following additional considerations will influence volunteer selection:

  • An accepted publication/presentation at VR 2025.
  • Good communication skills in English.
  • Previous experience in event organization is desired but not required.
  • The number of volunteers from each region, institution, and research group may be balanced to ensure broad participation.
  • Students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.


Application will be done through this form:


For more information, please contact the Student Volunteer Chairs:

  • Huyen Nguyen, Université Paris-Saclay, France
  • Jason Orlosky, Augusta University, USA
  • Claudio Pacchierotti, CNRS IRISA/Inria Rennes, France


IEEE  IEEE Computer Society IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

Inria logo.


InterDigital logo.

Google logo.

MiddleVR logo.
HITLab NZ logo.

Immersion logo.
Qualcomm logo.
Huawei logo.
Meta logo. AFXR logo.
LabSTICC logo.
GuestXR logo.
ENSAM logo. Haption logo.

EuroXR logo.

INSA logo.

Institut de Neurociencies, Universitat de Barcelona logo.


RegionBretagne logo.

UnivRennes logo.

Orange logo.

CLARTE logo.

Inami Monnai Lab logo.

VRSJ logo.

CESI logo.

Agglomeration Saint-Malo logo.

©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee