The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.
IEEE VR Sponsors & Exhibitors Past Conferences

Call for Workshops

IEEE VR 2025: The 32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 8-12, 2025 | Saint-Malo, France

Important Dates

Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) == GMT/UTC-12:00 on the stated day, no matter where the submitter is located.

  • November 04, 2024: Proposals and CFPs due
  • November 11, 2024: Notification of results
  • January 09, 2025: Latest accepted workshop paper notification (only applies if the workshop organizers want proceedings included in the digital library)
  • January 16, 2025: Camera-ready submission of workshop papers for inclusion in the IEEE Digital Library (only applies if the workshop organizers want proceedings included in the digital library)
  • March 8-9, 2025: Workshops (held on the first two days of the conference)


We invite individuals or teams interested in organizing such a workshop to submit proposals that will work at the conference venue for IEEE VR 2025. We encourage workshops to consider this in their initial submission to maximize participation, as IEEE VR2025 will be held in person. We invite individuals or teams interested in organizing such a workshop to submit proposals. Workshops will be held during the first two days of the conference: March 8th (Saturday) and March 9th 2025 (Sunday).

Workshops are intended to bring together researchers, developers, technology providers, practitioners, and users for a lively and interactive discussion of issues through an informal exchange of ideas and information. Workshops may target a specific application area, a specific research area, or a topic of general interest. Workshops should be more than just mini-conferences of paper presentations. Workshops may include, but are not limited to:

  • A focus on creating and exchanging new ideas and opportunities to meet new people
  • A balance of formal presentations with informal discussion and ideation
  • Emphasis on attendee participation and interactive discussions
  • Thought experiments and playing with ideas
  • Curated panels
  • Position papers
  • Live application development by both speakers and attendees
  • Inclusive VR and geographical diversity
  • Breakout groups and presentation of ideas generated by the groups
  • A summary session concluding with lessons learned, insights gained, and new ideas generated from the workshop
  • Continued discussion after the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Workshop submissions require a short two-page maximum proposal and a call for papers (CFP).

  • The Workshop Proposal is an internal document for decision-making purposes only. Organizers are welcome to email a PDF proposal to the Workshop Chairs at , which should address the following:
    • Workshop title and acronym.
    • The goal of organizing the workshop.
    • Target audience and/or attendee prerequisites.
    • Has the workshop been organized before?
      • If yes, how many times has it been previously organized?
      • If yes, how many people attended the last time it was held? (Typical workshop rooms will have between 30 and 80 seats; if you seriously expect more, please indicate an estimation of attendees)
    • How long do you expect the workshop to be? Most workshops are half-day events, but full-day is possible, typically for established workshops with significant numbers of submissions. Please choose between these three options: Full day, could be full day or half day, half day.
    • Primary organizer name.
    • Primary organizer email.
    • Names, contact information, and short bios of all the organizers.
    • Other speakers and/or contributors. Do you have keynote speakers in mind already? Please list them here.
    • How are you planning to review submissions for your workshop? Are you running your submission system like EasyChair? It is generally possible to use the main conference's Precision Conference system, but there is a cost attached to that, so we need to know how many workshops will need it to see if we can absorb the cost. If you plan to use the Precision Conference System, please mention it.
    • Are you planning on publishing your papers in the IEEE Digital Library? Workshops are optional to have papers that will be submitted to IEEE Digital Library. It is a powerful motivation for authors, but it will require adhering to some main conference deadlines, so you may have to do your reviews reasonably quickly to make it in time (see important dates above).
    • List any technical requirements for workshop hosting, including space, audio/visual, computer, and communication needs. Workshop rooms typically have a projector and presenter podium. If you need anything else (power for demos, tables for discussion, poster boards for posters, etc.), please include it here. We cannot promise to provide everything, but we will try as much as possible.
    • Do you have constraints on which day the workshop needs to be? This typically depends on the keynote speaker's availability. Please be flexible; everybody wants a Sunday slot to save a day of travel, but that's only possible for some workshops.
    • Are there any conflicts with other workshops? Are any organizers also involved in different workshops, either as organizers or presenters?
  • The Workshop CFP is the public document that will be posted and publicized. Organizers are welcome to email the PDF of the CFP (two pages max), which should include:
    • The workshop title and acronym.
    • The workshop acronym you want to use.
    • The workshop website.
    • A brief overview and description of the workshop (500 words or less).
    • A list of the workshop's topics.
    • The workshop's format and submission guidelines including, for example, speakers, discussion format, duration, topics, types of acceptable papers (e.g., research papers, position papers), acceptable lengths, and acceptable format. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society VGTC conference format (
    • A list of important dates (if applicable to the format), including
      • Abstract deadline (if applicable).
      • Submission deadline.
      • Notification deadline.
      • Camera-ready deadline.
    • A list of the workshop organizers, including their affiliations and how to contact them.

The deadline for the workshop proposals and CFP submissions is Monday, November 4, 2024 (AoE). Results will be notified on Monday, November 11, 2024 (AoE). Accepted workshop CFPs might be posted and publicized directly.

Workshop organizers are expected to distribute their CFP and announce the workshops through their professional networks if accepted. As listed in the Workshops CFP submission, workshop organizers must provide a workshop website and are expected to update that website as workshop details become better defined.

In case the workshop has contributions that should be included in the IEEE digital library, workshop organizers are expected to issue any acceptance decisions to their contributors no later than Thursday, January 9, 2025 (AoE), to allow sufficient time for delivering camera-ready material, as well as planning and advance registration for the conference. IEEE VR Workshops proceedings will be published electronically through the IEEE Digital Library, depending on the workshop organizers' on-time submission of the proceedings before the mandatory IEEE deadline of Thursday, January 16, 2025 (AoE). Organizers of accepted workshops are encouraged to seek assistance from the Workshops Chairs to navigate this process.

For each accepted workshop, we will be able to provide one complimentary workshop/tutorial registration (Saturday- Sunday).


For more information, to inquire about a particular tutorial topic, or to submit a proposal, please contact the Workshop Chairs at

  • Rebecca Fribourg, École Centrale Nantes, France
  • Hugo Brument, TU Wien, Austria
  • Dirk Reiners, University of Central Florida, USA
  • Carolin Wienrich, Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany

IEEE  IEEE Computer Society IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee