The official banner for the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + User Interfaces, comprised of a Kiwi wearing a VR headset overlaid on an image of Mount Cook and a braided river.

3DUI Contest Demos

Topic : United for Planet Earth: Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Collaborative Virtual Environments

3DUI Contest Demos
Best 3DUI Demo Honorable Mention
Future Planet: How the present can influence the future
Planet Purifiers: A Collaborative Immersive Experience Proposing New Modifications to HOMER and Fishing Reel Interaction Techniques
Blue Planet Rescue VR: Unite for Marine Preservation
Vibrotactile heatmaps to encourage discussion in a VR environmental city builder
Best 3DUI Demo Award
From Dystopia to Eutopia: Transforming Urban Environments Through Collaborative Decision-Making in Arsinoe VR
Treeam: an Immersive and Collaborative Serious Game About Trees and Forest
Cooperation in Virtual Reality: Exploring Environmental Decision-Making through a Real-Effort Threshold Public Goods Game
Asymmetric Cross-Reality Collaboration for Urban Sustainability Education
Cooperation for Environmental Sustainabilitya Common Pool Resource Virtual Experience
Shore Defender: A VR Edutainment Game Aiming to Raise Public Awareness on Ocean Conservation and Plastic Recycling
Saving the Polar Bears: A Collaborative VR Storytelling Experience Enhanced by Multi-scale and Multi-view WiM Designs


3DUI Contest Schedule (Timezone: Saint-Malo, France UTC+1)
3DUI Contest Fast Forward Monday, 10 March 15:15‑16:15 Room: Chateaubriand
3DUI Contest Booths Open Monday, 10 March 16:15‑17:00 Room: Vauban
3DUI Contest Booths Open Tuesday, 11 March 9:30‑10:00, 13:15‑14:00, 15:15‑17:15 Room: Vauban
3DUI Contest Booths Open Wednesday, 12 March 9:30‑10:00, 13:15‑14:00 Room: Vauban
Awards Wednesday, 12 March 17:15‑18:15 Room: Chateaubriand


Best 3DUI Demo Honorable Mention

Future Planet: How the present can influence the future (ID: 8361)

Moritz Treu, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg; Jendrik Roland Ludwig, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg; Jonas Merlin Christmann, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg; Manon Lemonnier, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology; Roman Buaillon, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology; Olivier Raoux, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology; Eike Langbehn, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg; Jean-Remy Chardonnet, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology

Planet Purifiers: A Collaborative Immersive Experience Proposing New Modifications to HOMER and Fishing Reel Interaction Techniques (ID: 6235)

Alexander Giovannelli, Virginia Tech; Fionn Chamberlain Murphy, Virginia Tech; Trey Davis, Virginia Tech; Chaerin Lee, Chonnam National University; Rehema Abulikemu, Virginia Tech; Matthew Gallagher, Virginia Tech; Sahil Sharma, Virginia Polytechnic and State University; Lee Lisle, Virginia Tech; Doug Bowman, Virginia Tech

Blue Planet Rescue VR: Unite for Marine Preservation (ID: 5766)

Jeffrey Cheng, The University of Hong Kong; Guiyin TIAN, The University of Hong Kong; Wing Hang Chan, The University of Hong Kong; Zhengji Liang, The University of Hong Kong; Leith K. Y. Chan, The University of Hong Kong

Vibrotactile heatmaps to encourage discussion in a VR environmental city builder (ID: 5097)

Benjamin Freeling, Universite de Strasbourg; Miguel Gervilla, iCube; Universite de Strasbourg; Martin Heitz, University of Strasbourg; Joris Ravaglia, Universite de Strasbourg; Paul Viville, ICube; Unistra; Evan Zarrella, ICube; Universite de Strasbourg; Flavien Lecuyer, Universite de Strasbourg

Best 3DUI Demo Award

From Dystopia to Eutopia: Transforming Urban Environments Through Collaborative Decision-Making in Arsinoe VR (ID: 8622)

Giorgos Ganias, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Christos Lougiakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Anastasis Niarchos, Athena Research Center; Akrivi Katifori, Athena Research Center; Dimitra Petousi, "Athena" Research Center; Marina Stergiou, Athena Research Center; Gabriel Gourdoglou, Athena Research Center; Maria Roussou, National Kapodistrian University of Athens; Yannis Ioannidis, University of Athens and Athena Research Center

Treeam: an Immersive and Collaborative Serious Game About Trees and Forest (ID: 3945)

Juliette Le Meudec, Universite de Bordeaux; Vincent Casamayou, Universite de Bordeaux; Adrien Corn, Universite de Bordeaux; Justin Dillmann, Inria Bordeaux; Aymeric Ferron, Universite de Bordeaux

Cooperation in Virtual Reality: Exploring Environmental Decision-Making through a Real-Effort Threshold Public Goods Game (ID: 2170)

Manuela Chessa, University of Genoa; Michela Chessa, Universite Cote d'Azur; CNRS Lorenzo Gerini, University of Genoa; Matteo Martini, University of Genoa; Kaloyana Naneva, Universite Cote d'Azur; CNRS Marianna Pizzo, University of Genoa; Fabio Solari, University of Genoa; Paolo Zeppini, Universite Cote d'Azur; CNRS

Asymmetric Cross-Reality Collaboration for Urban Sustainability Education (ID: 2059)

Erin Argo, Augusta University; Erkin Khoroshi Eisalou Khoroshi Eisalou, Augusta University; Hanieh Rashidpour, Augusta University; Sharmen Schwertfeger, Augusta University; Narmin Nasibli, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Jeronimo Grandi, Augusta University

Cooperation for Environmental Sustainabilitya Common Pool Resource Virtual Experience (ID: 1697)

Weronika Lewandowska, University of Warsaw; Bernhard Spanlang, Kiin; Andrzej Nowak, University of Warsaw; Szymon Talaga, University of Warsaw; Manuel Jesus Perez Zurera, Kiin; Roger Puig Ganza, Kiin; Anna Boros, University of Warsaw; Wieslaw Bartkowski, University of Warsaw; Karolina Maria Ziembowicz, University of Warsaw; Mikolaj Biesaga, University of Warsaw

Shore Defender: A VR Edutainment Game Aiming to Raise Public Awareness on Ocean Conservation and Plastic Recycling (ID: 6596)

Md Azizul Hakim, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Md Nahid Hasan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Randall Sanders, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Jerald Thomas, University of WisconsinMilwaukee

Saving the Polar Bears: A Collaborative VR Storytelling Experience Enhanced by Multi-scale and Multi-view WiM Designs (ID: 1044)

Lei Zhang, Kennesaw State University; Mason Todd Prather, Kennesaw State University; Devon Haynes, Kennesaw State University; Feiyu Lu, Virginia Tech; Yi (Joy) Li, Kennesaw State University; Ying Chen, Kennesaw State University

IEEE  IEEE Computer Society IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

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HITLab NZ logo.

Immersion logo.
Qualcomm logo.
Huawei logo.
Meta logo. AFXR logo.
LabSTICC logo.
GuestXR logo.
ENSAM logo. Haption logo.

EuroXR logo.

INSA logo.

Institut de Neurociencies, Universitat de Barcelona logo.


RegionBretagne logo.

UnivRennes logo.

Orange logo.

CLARTE logo.

Inami Monnai Lab logo.

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CESI logo.

Agglomeration Saint-Malo logo.

©IEEE VR Conference 2025, Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee