Laboratory and Project Presentations Track
We invite academic laboratories working in all areas of virtual environments, mixed reality, and 3D user interfaces to submit a proposal to make a Laboratory Presentation or Project Presentation at the IEEE VR 2015 Conference in Arles, France ( Track presentations will highlight the breadth and depth of research activities from laboratories and large, multi-year projects.
The Laboratory and Project Presentations Track is designed to introduce the international community to VR research and to showcase the diversity and vibrancy of that research worldwide. Session attendees and presenters will find it a place to meet and interact with other academic and industrial researchers where they may find good students or postdocs, identify internship opportunities, or begin conversations leading to new friends and colleagues and new collaborations.
Why submit? Accepted presentations in the Laboratory and Project Presentation Track will give their authors an opportunity to:
- Broaden the community of researchers who are aware of your group’s work.
- Describe what is unique about your work. Do you have unique research facilities and equipment? With whom do you collaborate? What is your funding source-- National? EU or International?
- Present a broad view of your work (rather than, as for a paper, a report on a single result)
- Describe the motivation for your research
- Discuss the challenges of the work and your approach to addressing those challenges
- Talk or speculate about future directions.
Other exposure for your work: Poster and Proceedings. Accepted proposals will be invited to prepare a poster for display throughout the conference. Laboratory and Project Presentation descriptions (2 pages) will be included in the IEEE VR 2015 Conference Proceedings and will be indexed in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Note that Laboratories and Projects can also display their work by purchasing exhibit space in the Conference Exhibition. See the call for exhibitors.
Submission, review, and notification. Submissions are limited to two pages. Note that the submission materials include the submitter’s name: we are not using a double-blind-review process.
Important dates **** SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED ****
- November 17, 2014 : NEW Submission Deadline
- November 26, 2014: Notification
Submission Details. Please format your two page submission using the IEEE Computer Society guidelines described at Submissions and questions can be directed to the Laboratory and Project Presentations chairs at
Your submission should address topics such as:
- What is the research focus of your laboratory or project?
- What is your research strategy?
- What makes your laboratory or project unique and noteworthy?
- What are some recent accomplishments of your laboratory/project?
Laboratory and Project Presentations co-chairs
- Martin Hachet, Inria Bordeaux, France
- Marc Erich Latoschik, Würzburg University, Germany
- Mary C. Whitton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
- Yasuyuki Yanagida, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan