Call for Workshop Papers
The following workshops will be hosted at IEEE VR 2015:
Second International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environment (3DCVE 2015)
Workshop on Everyday Virtual Reality:Rethinking Virtual Reality for Home and Office Environments (WEVR 2015)
First International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality dedicated to Molecular Science (VARMS2015)
Eighth Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS 2015)
Second International Workshop on Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments (SIVE 2015)
Third International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT 2015)
Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR)
Second International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE 2015)
We need to improve interaction and collaboration in immersive virtual environments. Indeed, frameworks for the design of immersive and collaborative virtual environments are now mature enough to allow researchers to focus on higher-level description of immersion and collaboration rather than on low-level system features. However, we still have to improve both the immersion of the users and the ability of distant users to collaborate efficiently when they are sharing a virtual environment, by proposing new metaphors for immersive 3D collaborative interactions.
To meet these requirements, we need to be able to adapt VR software to various kinds of immersive hardware devices while we need also to embed a symbolic representation of these devices into the virtual environment in order to make users aware of the limitations of these devices at run-time. For example, embedding in the VE a 3D model of the bounds of the displays devices may prevent users to collide with these devices, if the VR system can rely on an adequate metaphor to make the user aware of the danger. In the same way, when distant users are collaborating in a shared virtual environment, they need interaction metaphors that are adapted to collaboration and also able to make them aware of the actions of the distant users as well as of their limitations.
So, these new trends of immersive and collaborative interaction techniques are raising new issues for design, implementation and evaluation of Immersive Collaborative Virtual Environments. We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and practical topics that are related to immersive and/or collaborative VR applications, including but not limited to: Immersive Virtual Reality, 3D Interaction, Metaphors for Collaborative 3D Interactions, Awareness of Collaboration, frameworks supporting 3D CVE development.
- Abstract submission deadline:
January 24, 2015- February 7, 2015
- Paper submission deadline:
February 2, 2015- February 9, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- March 2, 2015
- Camera-ready:
- March 16, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizer: Thierry Duval
Workshop on Everyday Virtual Reality: Rethinking Virtual Reality for Home and Office Environments (WEVR 2015)
Traditionally, Virtual Reality has been conceived for purpose-built highly instrumented laboratories. However, the upcoming release of consumer grade Virtual Reality head-mounted displays will allow users to experience VR in everyday environments such as their own home or office where obstacles are commonplace and tracking is not trivial. If consumer VR is to evolve beyond the desktop paradigm, a rethinking of the way we design and implement interactive VR systems for these environments is needed. This one-day workshop will bring together researchers and industry practitioners to explore these new challenges and define a new research agenda.
We invite authors to submit 4 page position papers, preliminary research results, novel concepts or case studies (up to a maximum of 6 pages). Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Novel approaches to user tracking and locomotion interfaces
- Design of Virtual Reality interactive experiences
- 3D User Interfaces for Desktop Virtual Reality
- Tangible and haptics support to interaction with the environments
- Virtual Reality health care at home
- Virtual agents
- Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Paper submission deadline:
- February 2, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- February 15, 2014
- Camera-ready:
- March 1, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizers: Adalberto Simeone, Wendy Powell and Vaughan Powell
First International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality dedicated to Molecular Science (VARMS2015)
From the 70s up to today, Molecular Science and Virtual Reality have maintained close ties, the needs of the first nourishing the scientific issues of the second. The field of Molecular Science has been a pioneer in the design and use of advanced 3D human/computer interactions and devices such as haptic ones. Before the advent of computers and visualization, Molecular Science researchers used to build physical models in order to achieve a visual representation of theoretical models. These physical representations, which have been used for a while, opened the way to tangible interfaces to couple physical and numerical models using Augmented and Virtual Reality techniques. Today we are witnesses to a revolution in terms of access to Augmented and Virtual Reality methods for all other scientific fields, thanks to new immersion, 3D interaction and rendering devices.
In this context, the international IEEE Virtual Reality 2015 conference, through the VARMS workshop, gives researchers an excellent opportunity to:
- keep up to date with new approaches at the interface between Augmented and Virtual Reality, 3D User Interfaces and Video Games to popularize Molecular Science, both in research and teaching contexts,
- identify efforts to support the deeper integration of Virtual Reality techniques in the processes and practices of research laboratories and companies in the Molecular Science field, promoting the usefulness and usability of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Molecular Science, implying deep ergonomic analyses and user evaluations in the targeted field,
- highlight convincing success stories, thereby catalysing the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the targeted community, as actual research achievements that lead to decisive results in Molecular Science are still rare.
Call for Papers
Workshop organizers expect participants to submit research papers, technotes, position papers (up to 6 pages for talk) or work-in-progress or preliminary research abstracts (2 pages abstract for poster) about the following topics:
- Usage, Utility and Usability of Virtual Reality in Molecular Science
- 3D user interfaces, including navigation, tangible interfaces, Augmented Reality, collaborative environments dedicated to Molecular Science
- Serious games for research, teaching and outreach in Molecular Science
- Success stories of Virtual Reality applications leading to tangible results in Molecular Science
- Abstract submission:
- January 26, 2015
- Paper (talk and poster) submission deadline:
- February 9, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- February 20, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizers: Nicolas Férey, Marc Baaden and Olivier Delalande
Eighth Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS 2015)
SEARIS provides a forum for researchers and practitioners working on the design, development, and support of realtime interactive systems (RIS). These systems span from Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) environments to novel Human-Computer Interaction systems (such as multimodal or multitouch architectures) and entertainment applications in general. Their common principle is a strong user centric orientation which requires real-time processing of simulation aspects as well as input/output events according to perceptual constraints. Therefore, we encourage researchers and developers of real-time human computer interaction systems of all flavors to share their experiences and learn from each other during this workshop.
SEARIS wants to account the state-of-the-art in software design and software engineering for realtime interactive systems, to shape a common understanding, to compare systems and approaches and derive common paradigms, to develop useful and necessary methods and techniques, and to foster new ideas. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Architectures: data-flow-oriented, object-oriented, component-based, scene graph(s), etc.
- Abstraction mechanisms: entity centered design, world descriptions, semantic modeling
- Reusability/Extensibility: plugins, components, modules, extension points, etc.
- RIS Programming: class libraries, scripting & core implementation languages, declarative languages and solutions
- System Issues: operating systems, portability, networking, distribution, etc.
- Adaptivity: support of configurability, personalization, adaptation
- Behavior: support and integration of behavioral components (physics, AI, etc.)
- Implementation and Testing of Realtime Interactive Systems
- Performance: consideration of evaluation strategies, latency, synchronization, etc.
We welcome reflective and even controversial contributions.
- Abstract submission:
- January 9, 2015
- Short/long paper submission:
- January 23, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- February 9, 2015
- Camera-ready:
- February 20, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizers: Marc Erich Latoschik, Dirk Reiners, Roland Blach and Pablo Figueroa
Second International Workshop on Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments (SIVE 2015)
Sonic interaction design is defined as the study and exploitation of sound as one of the principal channels conveying information, meaning, and aesthetic/emotional qualities in interactive contexts. This field lies at the intersection of interaction design and sound and music computing.
In the virtual reality community, the focus on research in topics related to auditory feedback has been rather limited when compared, for example, to the focus placed on visual feedback or even on haptic feedback.
However, in communities such as the film community or the product sound design community it is well known that sound is a powerful way to communicate meaning and emotion to a scene or a product.
The main goal of this workshop is to increase among the virtual reality community the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing virtual environments. We will also discuss how research in other related fields such as film sound theory, product sound design, sound and music computing, game sound design and computer music can inform designers of virtual reality environments.
Moreover, the workshop will feature state of the art research on the field of sound for virtual environments.
We expect participants to submit a research paper (4 to 6 pages using IEEE template) outlining their current research in the field of interactive sound for virtual environments.
Topics can include, but are not limited to:
- Sound synthesis and design for virtual environments
- Sound modelling and rendering for virtual environments
- Sound spatialisation
- Headphones and speakers reproduction
- Binaural sound and head-related transfer functions
- Gestural control of sound in virtual reality
- Multisensory (audio-visual), (audio-haptics) interactions
- Personalisation and customisation of virtual auditory displays
- Navigation and way-finding through sonification
- Evaluation of user experience and sound quality
- Abstract submission deadline:
- January 26, 2015
- Paper submission deadline:
- February 2, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- February 18, 2015
- Camera-ready:
- March 10, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizer: Stefania Serafin, Federico Avanzini, Michele Geronazzo, Cumhur Erkut, Amalia De Goetzen, Rolf Nordahl
Third International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT)
The IEEE VR 2015 Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology is intended to bring together technological and clinical research communities to advance the state-of-the-art in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) assistive technology. Over the past several decades, there has been a host of research conducted to improve rehabilitation and enable assistive technology for persons with disabilities (e.g., cognitive, physical) through VR and AR. However, this area needs to take more advantage of state-of-the-art VR and AR technology. We believe this situation could be improved if the two contributing communities to this area - the technology and the clinical communities - had greater opportunity for more direct interaction and collaboration to advance the field. This is the primary goal of this workshop.
Specifically, we are inviting submissions of position papers and preliminary research that focus on
- novel Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies that could be used to enhance assistive technologies and accessibility, although they may not have been used for this yet and
- insights into and studies involving persons with disabilities and the impact of VR, AR, and associated technologies.
Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Accessibility of VR/AR for Persons with Disabilities
- Virtual Reality for Persons with Disabilities
- Augmented Reality for Persons with Disabilities
- 3DUI for Persons with Disabilities
- Mobile AR/VR Applications for Persons with Disabilities
- Human Movement Analysis
- Games for Rehabilitation
- Clinical Studies using Technologies for Persons with Disabilities
- Usability Studies and Human Factors
- Unlisted but related topics are also welcome
- Submission deadline:
- January 26, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- February 9, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizers: John Quarles, Victoria Interrante
Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR)
The IEEE VR 2015 Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR) is intended to advance the state-of-the-art in human factors driven research in Augmented Reality.
The goal of this workshop is to come to a better understanding of the various perceptual and cognitive issues that affect the design of effective augmented reality systems. There is neither an in-depth overview of these factors, nor well-founded knowledge on most effects as gained through formal validation. In particular, long-term usage effects are inadequately understood. However, mobile platforms and emerging display hardware (e.g., Google glass and competing displays with similar form factors) are leading an explosion in the number of users, as well as duration of system usage. To fulfill usability needs, a thorough understanding of perceptual and intertwined cognitive factors is highly needed by both the research community and industry: issues such as depth misinterpretation, object relationship mismatches, and information overload can severely limit usability of applications, or even pose usage risks. Based on the gained knowledge, new interactive visualization and view management techniques can be iteratively defined, developed and validated, and optimized for the identified effects to create more usable applications. We expect researchers to submit early work, such as initial analyses of user studies or experimental visualization techniques, although position papers that comprise several pages and summarize a range of previous experiments or experiences (survey) also fall inside the scope of the workshop.
Topics and submission
Papers should be between 4 and 6 pages in length and may cover one or more of the following topics:
- Depth perception in AR
- Color perception issues
- Issues related to visual search / information processing
- Novel capturing and processing techniques (like HDR) that address perceptual issues
- Comparisons between AR and VR perceptual issues
- Cognitive load or other cognitive issues related to perception
- Multisensory issues (perception in non-visual AR)
- Visualization techniques addressing perceptual or cognitive issues
- View management techniques
- Novel visual display devices that target specific perceptual issues
- Validation methodologies, benchmarks and measurement methods, including eye tracking
- Techniques for conducting longitudinal studies
Submitted papers will be evaluated through a double blind reviewing process of the submissions by the PC committee members. We will target the inclusion of papers into the IEEE Digital Library.
Blind submissions should be made through the Easychair system: a link will be made available at the workshop website.
- Abstract submission deadline
- January 24, 2015
- Submission deadline:
- February 2, 2015
- Notification of acceptance:
- March 2, 2015
- Camera-ready:
- March 16, 2015
- Date of the event:
- Monday, March 23, 2015 or Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Additional information and the full submission requirements can be found on the workshop website.
Organizers: Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Ernst Kruijff and Ed Swan