CALL FOR PAPERS / PERCAR workshop In conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality 2017
The IEEE VR 2017 Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR (PERCAR) is the third installment of the previous successful PERCAR workshops held at VR 2015 and VR 2016. The crux of this workshop is the creation of a better understanding of the various perceptual and cognitive issues that inform and constrain the design of effective augmented reality systems. There is neither an in-depth overview of these factors, nor well-founded knowledge on most effects as gained through formal validation. In particular long-term usage effects are inadequately understood. However, mobile platforms and emerging display hardware (“glasses”) ignite the number of users, as well as the system usage duration. To fulfill usability needs, a thorough understanding of perceptual and intertwined cognitive factors is highly needed by both research and industry: issues such as depth misinterpretation, object relationship mismatches and information overload can severely limit usability of applications, or even pose risks on its usage. Based on the gained knowledge, for example new interactive visualization and view management techniques can be iteratively defined, developed and validated, optimized to be congruent with human capabilities and limitations en route to more usable AR application interfaces.
We expect researchers to submit early work, such as initial analyses of user studies or experimental visualization techniques, although position papers that comprise several pages and summarize a range of previous experiments or experiences (survey) also fall inside the scope of the workshop. Papers should be between 4 and 6 pages in length and may cover one or more of the following topics:
Submitted papers will be evaluated through a double blind reviewing process of the submissions by the PC committee members. We will target the inclusion of papers into the IEEE Digital Library.
Blind submissions should be made through the Easychair system: a link will be made available at the workshop website.