Call for Panels
IEEE VR 2021: the 28th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces March 27-April 3, 2021, Virtual
Important Dates
- January 12th, 2021: Proposals due
- January 19th, 2021: Notification of results
- February 1st, 2021: One-page Panel description due
- March 27th-28th and April 1st-3rd, 2021: Panels
IEEE VR 2021 is looking for creative proposals for a variety of engaging panels. We are hoping to host panels covering academic, industrial and consumer interests in VR, AR, MR and 3D User Interfaces. Panels are designed to generate lively discussions incorporating differing points of view around significant, emergent, or controversial topics. Panel sessions should not be structured as a series of individual, stand-alone presentations, but rather should address thought-provoking material that is presented in a lively manner. Panels should not be used to present a commercial product, nor be limited to the views of one individual. The goal should be to involve all panel participants and engage the audience as much as possible.
Interested parties are invited to submit proposals for interactive panel sessions. Panel sessions are 90 minutes long and we encourage proposers to plan for your panelists’ presentations/introductory remarks to take less than 30 minutes of that time. We also suggest that your panel have a moderator who is not one of the panelists and who will introduce the panel, serve as session chair, and ask initial questions before opening up questions to the group. You do not need to have identified a moderator before submitting your proposal, the Panels Co-Chairs can help you find a moderator if your panel is selected.
Submission Guidelines
Panel proposals should be submitted electronically to panels2021@ieeevr.org and should include:
- A title for the panel session
- A brief description of the overall issues to be discussed (500 words or less)
- The names, contact information, and short (100 words or less) biographies for the organizer and each panelist. Panelists should come from multiple organizations. Panelists from industry can be offered a complimentary one day registration, other panelists and the moderator should be registered normally.
We will publish a one page description of the panel in the proceedings.
The event will be virtual and as a panel it will be live, to enable speakers and the audience to discuss the covered topics.
Contact Chairs
For more information and inquiries, please contact the Panels Chairs at panels2021 [at] ieeevr.org:
- Dinesh Manocha ‒ University of Maryland, USA
- Mark Billinghurst ‒ University of Adelaide, Australia
- Dirk Reiners ‒ University of Central Florida, USA