Call for Student Volunteers
IEEE VR 2021: the 28th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces March 27-April 3, 2021, Virtual
Important Dates
- February 4, 2021: Open student volunteer applications
Early Applications
- February 15, 2021: Close early student volunteer applications
- February 22, 2021: Student volunteer notification of acceptance
Regular Applications
- March 1, 2021: Close student volunteer applications
- March 8, 2021: Student volunteer notification of acceptance
Dedicated and enthusiastic student volunteers (SVs) are crucial for the organization of a successful conference. Serving as a student volunteer is also a great chance to meet and interact with scientists from the field of Virtual Reality. Early applications will consider SVs that will mostly have pre-conference tasks, while regular applications will focus on tasks required during the conference. Early applications will also be considered for the regular deadline.
We look forward to receiving your application for IEEE VR 2021!
This year, IEEE VR will take place as a virtual conference, for this reason, SVs will have particular tasks, a more prominent role and the opportunities to be much more involved with the conference attendees. Besides the stimulating experience, SVs will receive an excellent package of benefits that includes: free registration, 1 year IEEE Student membership and an exclusive organizing team shirt.
You must be willing to work about 15 to 20 hours during the conference. Furthermore, you must be available for SV orientation before the conference begins. Your SV duties will include: working the virtual registration desk, providing assistance to speakers and attendees, video and streaming support, and more. If you cannot commit yourself to this time frame and this amount of work, then please do not take away a slot from another willing student.
All full-time undergraduate and graduate students interested in Virtual Reality are eligible. We will give priority to those SVs with an accepted paper/poster presentation. In addition, we will consider video conferencing experience, geographic distance from the conference, as well as diversity in the area of research.
Applications will be done through this form:
For more information, please contact the Student Volunteer Chairs:
- Courtney Hutton - University of Minnesota
- Inês Santos Silva - University of Lisbon
- Soraia F. Paulo - University of Lisbon
- The SV chairs can be reached via email at studentvolunteers2021 [at] ieeevr.org.