March 18th - 22nd
March 18th - 22nd
In Cooperation with
the German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies: VDE
In Cooperation with
the German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies: VDE
IEEE VR 2018: the 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
March 18-22, 2018, Reutlingen, Germany
This year, the IEEE VR 2018 will hold the 9th annual 3DUI Contest. It is open to anyone interested in 3D User Interfaces (3DUIs) and Virtual Reality, from researchers to students, enthusiasts, and professionals. The purpose of the contest is to stimulate innovative and creative solutions to challenging 3DUI problems. The theme of this year is “E-League”. Selected contestants will be required to provide a live demonstration of their solutions onsite AND to compete in a real-time tournament, which is new to this year’s edition of the 3DUI contest. For the tournament track, we will provide two identical hardware setups onsite, which contestants must use for participating in the tournament. Each hardware setup will encompass a computer and a consumer head-mounted display with two 6DOF hand-held controllers (e.g., HTC Vive or Oculus Rift). For the demonstration track, contestants must bring their own hardware, but can choose to use other and additional types of hardware. For both contest tracks—the demonstration track and the tournament track—a grand winner will be selected from each
The 3DUI Contest is open to anyone interested in 3DUIs—researchers, students, hobbyists, and professionals, or anyone else. Contestants are required to use the Unity game engine (version 5.6.3) to develop their solutions, given the base contest scene (see Materials). Hardware requirements are specified below.
Develop a 3DUI, which solves all of the tasks listed below. The tasks must be developed using the provided Unity contest scene.
Rules The submitted solutions have to fulfill the following rules to be considered for acceptance and presentation during IEEE VR 2018:
Teams of up to ten people may submit solutions.
Teams must submit a short paper of two pages, with a description of the solution, details about software developed, a brief description of the closest related work and how your system is novel, and a description of how you iterated upon the design. If your submission is accepted, this paper will be included in the IEEE VR Conference proceedings as two-page extended abstract describing the contest solution, and therefore must be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society format as specified for VR conference papers.
Teams will also submit a video that presents the solution to the public, including an explanation of the equipment, software, and interaction techniques used to solve the problem. Additionally, the video should include representative footage of example users as they perform the task. If your submission is accepted, the video will be made publicly available. Videos should have a length of 60-90 seconds and should include the title along with the names and affiliations of the contestants. The submitted file should be a high quality compressed video with a size of no more than 50 MB. We will accept videos in MPEG (.mpg), Quicktime (.mov), and MP4 (.mp4).
If your submission is accepted, you will participate in a live demo session at the conference, where you will showcase your work to the IEEE VR community and have a chance to win awards. Since this year’s contest will be judged live at IEEE VR, we will invite various judges from the community to judge your solution. The judging criteria are novelty, usability, and aesthetics. We will further offer on-site judging for all conference attendees. Contestants are asked to bring their own equipment for demoing their individual solutions during the 3DUI session as part of IEEE VR.
The final score will be the combination of the expert judges’ score (60%) plus the audience scores (40%). A winning team with the highest score will be awarded.
New to 3DUI Contest 2018 is that we ask participating teams to submit the code for their solution before the conference (refer to the Important Dates section). This is for two reasons. Firstly, we will test the code whether it has been modified from the given Unity contest scene and manipulates the underlying code, such that a contestant has an advantage in the tournament. Secondly, the code will be deployed and tested on the two identical systems, which will be provided for the tournament onsite. This will speed up setup times for the tournament. Still, the contestants are asked to bring their own equipment for the demonstration track (see above).
Onsite, the tournament will be conducted in a single-elimination style, in which the losing team is knocked out of the tournament and the winning team moves forward. Teams will be randomly selected for matching in the first round. A round ends once a team finishes the third task of stacking the tower to the required height and the tower remains standing for 10 seconds. The finals will decide the grand winner of the tournament.
Teams should register for the contest by December 1, 2017 via email to with the following information (different to last years): team name, team members with name and affiliation, one contact email, and the used hardware setup (the used consumer HMD system).
You can download the material for the 3DUI contest 2018 here:
In the following days, we will publish the Unity scenes, one for each task. For the final submission and the tournament, we will further publish one scene which integrates each task.
Additionally to requirements and rules outlined above, we ask all contestants to consider and follow the additional points for each task given below:
To complete the ladder task, alternating calls must be made to LeftHandUp(), RightHandUp(), LeftFootUp(), and RightFootUp(), though not necessarily in that order. Note, that calls can also be made to LeftHandDown(), RightHandDown(), LeftFootDown(), and RightFootDown(), if desired. These public functions are directly available in the Unity Inspector via a Unity Editor script, and they can be called from any script referencing the LadderTask MonoBehaviour object.
To emphasize safe climbing practices, the ladder task enforces a fall if any of the following conditions are met:
The ladder task is considered complete when both feet have reached the 10th rung. At this point, the Vive tracking space GameObject is moved forward onto the platform and the flying task (coming soon) will begin.
To complete the task, players need to maneuver the drone through all of the pre-defined targets in order, which includes hexagons, quads, and triangles. Players cannot skip or miss any of the targets. The virtual drone is a quadcopter model, which has its collider so that the virtual drone will collide with the targets. The drone is driven by calling drone.Drive(power, pitch, yaw, roll). Power, pitch, yaw and roll are all determined by the four motors of the drone. There are another 180° flips, which are drone.FlipPitch() and drone.FlipRoll(). Please do NOT use any other scripts to transform the drone in the scene but just calling these methods! There are some example codes in KeyboardController.cs.
Example Key Mapping:
To complete the stacking task, six objects (three cubes and three cylinders) must be manipulated and stacked on the provided podium in order to reach a height of 1.55m. The stacked objects must remain standing for 5 seconds to successfully finish the task. The six objects must be manipulated using their logic representations (i.e., Cube Large Logic, Cube Medium Logic, Cube Small Logic, Cylinder Large Logic, Cylinder Medium Logic, and Cylinder Small Logic). Their visual-only counterparts can be modified as desired. The collider, mass, drag, and angular drag parameters of the logic objects should not be changed. It is permissible to dynamically change the gravity and kinematic parameters. However, the mandatory task logic will not fully execute unless all of the objects are not kinematic.